come join me, won't you sing-along?
I post them here on the slightest whim,
it's time to change my thoughtless vim."
So far, my "poems" have been very, very poorly written. Think of an indefinite theme, throw in some cheesy rhymes and big words, and voila! You have a clumsily thought out, shallow, rhythmically challenged "poem". In other words: a big, steaming pile of shit. That's not what I want. That's not what anyone wants to read, and if they do, there's already boat loads of it slopped all over the internet. From this point on my poetry is going to change. It will have a clear decisive theme, a rhythmic meter, and a correct rhyming scheme. This will probably mean less poetry is posted, but it will be worth reading when it is. I am going to change my poetic style and I refer to this change as my "Novus Purpose Poetry". Some would say I should attempt Free Verse, since it is simpler and I wouldn't need to worry about rhyming. I have nothing against Free Verse, but I am much more inspired by standard poetic form. I believe switching to Free Verse would be the easy way out. But, I will finally reflect the correct function of art.
"In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable, and help to change it." - Ernst FischerI believe that quote sums up the crux purpose of art. Especially since, as far as I know, every society has been corrupt and decaying. Art needs to appeal to it's audience with beauty and simplicity, whilst delivering a message at the same time. It's needs to challenge or influence the audience's personal beliefs and ideals, and teach them a lesson, or show them a new perspective. If it does not accomplish that, I would throw it on the trash heap of "modern art". I do believe, however, art that is simply beauty for the sake of beauty is certainly acceptable, but I believe beauty delivers it's own message.
I am going to begin work on a massive poem which will be split into several different parts. As to how many, I am unsure at this point in the game, but it's definitely going to be a tough grind for me. I hope it will be an enjoyable and influential read for you. Thank you.